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Trident Annual Cigar Smoker Join Trident International Windy City for their annual IML Cigar Smoker and meet-and-greet.

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We will be donating 10% of the evening's sales to The Anti-Cruelty Society and every purchase enters you in the raffle for prizes from our brands. Meet the CEO and founder of Nasty Pig, David Lauterstein, and his team. IML Kickoff Party The night starts at 8 pm with complimentary cocktails, a live DJ and models. Halsted St., Chicago Bearfest Launch Party Kicking off a new bear tradition in Chicago for Memorial Day weekend. Stick around until 2 am for music, drinks and all the fun of Chicago's largest gay bar. Michigan Ave., Sidetrack: Leinie Lodge Deck Party Kick off the big weekend by kicking back on Sidetrack's famous rooftop deck. Doors open at 8 p.m., show begins at 8:30 p.m. Event includes the introduction of judges, contestants and number selection. Ticket packages available at Congress Plaza Hotel, 1st floor Ticket Sales Desk. IML Opening Ceremonies The official beginning of the contest to choose the 39th International Mr. IML Best of Chicago Welcome Party A big welcome from 'the city of big shoulders.' Come meet and greet the city with host Mr. Bootblack 2017, Chicago Bearfest Midwest and other related events throughout Chicago over Memorial Day weekend! This article shared 1488 times since Wed May 24, 2017Ĭheck out these official International Mr.

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